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Indoor & outdoor design

Plastics can be transformed in an infinite number of ways and used for the most diverse applications, with no limits to creativity and imagination.

It is precisely this versatility that makes plastics so precious, and with increasingly virtuous processes of recycling, recovery and traceability, not harmful to the environment.

Starting from the knowledge of recovered raw materials, LucyPlast can offer a series of materials with mechanical, physical and chromatic characteristics suitable for printing outdoor furniture, interior design and public spaces.


How do we mould?

Injection technology

Maximum tonnage?

Up to 2200/tonne

What do we mould?

Chairs, armchairs, benches, tables, playground furniture, containers for waste collection.

Who produces the materials?

All materials are produced from materials regenerated and regranulated by LucyPlast.


POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis I - Action 1.1.1. Call Industrial Research and Development 2020- SUPPORT: € 151.021,24 – CUP I82C200000650007 The Lucyplast project: LP MONDIAL KIT THE FUTURE C-ECONOMY PACKAGING SOLUTION FOR FILM REELS WORLDWIDE aims to realize a packaging kit made entirely of high-performance recycled plastic according to the full principles of circular economy.


La partecipazione alla fiera IPACKIMA MILANO dal 03/05/2022 06/05/2022 è stata realizzata con il sostegno dei fondi POR-FESR 2014-2020 – Asse II - Az.3.3.1 Avviso pubblico per progetti finalizzati alla partecipazione a fiere internazionali 2021-2022 CUP G88I22000420006 – CLP 3313684

POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis I - Action 3.4.1. Call for Innovative Investments 2019- SUPPORT: € 100.000,00 – CUP I81B21003850007. The Lucyplast project aims to improve the process of incoming materials with reference to quantity and quality

Participation at International exhibitions in Italy and abroad 2021-2022 realized with the support of the Funds "POR FESR Umbria 2014-2020 - Az. 3.3.1 - Public Notice Sviluppumbria SpA 2021-2022" CUP G88I22000420006


    • Lucy Plast S.p.A.
      Località Pian d'Assino Nucleo snc
      06019 Umbertide (PG)

    Unione Europea
    Repubblica Italiana
    Fondazione Carta Etica del Packaging
    Regione Umbria
    Lucy Plast S.p.A. 06019 Umbertide (PG), Umbria, Italia - P.IVA 00478750540